Saturday, November 25, 2006

Madi's First Pulled Tooth

Madi surprised us the other day by claiming she had a loose tooth. We thought it might be a little early for the Tooth Fairy, and we were wrong. Sure enough, the lower two teeth were loose. I told her it might take a "long time" for either of them to fall out...wrong again. Not a few days later, we were tieing the traditional tooth pulling knot with the dental floss and singing the ABC song. You can see the video on Google Video by searching "Madis Dad." What neither the video nor the picture shows is the BLOOD that gushed out. It took Madi by surprise...that's why she shed a few tears...not too many.  Posted by Picasa

Friday, November 17, 2006

School Book Fair

After several weeks of planning, calling volunteers and creating the decorations for the school book fair, it all came together today with the classess coming through spending their hard earned allowances for the lastest 'Charlie Bone' or 'Captin Underpants' story. Gen did an awesome job of coordinating the event and I am especially proud of the creative way she decided to decorate the cafeteria...see monkeys and paper vines. I can only wait to see what we have in store for the Spring event.

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Scarecrow Production

This was Madi's class production of Scarecrow...I think...I'm not really sure. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Daisy the Rat

Okay, I guess technically it's a hampster, but they're from the same family, right?

I caught Madelin "cleaning" her room the other day. When asked, "why," she grinned and said, "I want a pet." Well that goes back to a conversation we had a while back when I told the girls that we wouldn't even consider a new pet in the house until they started picking up after themselves. I guess they do listen.

Below, I'm doing my best Tom Green impression.

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Friday, November 03, 2006


Aaron and I on Halloween. He braved the cold taking the girls around. I got to hang back and hand out fists full of candy to the trick or treaters.

Here's Madi as the Little Mermaid and Hannah as a Pirate with the two girls from next door. As you can tell from the photo, there was plenty of girl power going on in our house on the 31st.