Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Sad Conversation with Hannah

We were sitting at the table Monday morning having breakfast. I had the Today show on in the background, getting the latest news on the NIU tragedy (my nephew attends there and praise the lord was not involved.) An article came on about Lindsey Lohan posing as Marilyn Monroe.

I asked Hannah, "Do you even know who Marilyn Monroe was?"
"Yeah, she was like the most beautiful woman in the world when she was alive."
"Do you know how she died?"
"She was so unhappy with her life that she killed herself."
"Do you think that's a good person to be imitating and immortalizing today?"
"No. It's stupid."
"Do you know who Mother Theresa was?"
"She devoted her entire life to bettering the lives of the poorest of the poor in India. She lived to a ripe old age and died of natural causes. Do you think she was a beautiful person?"
"Seems like that would be a better choice for a role model and for the cover of a magazine."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And the point you're trying to make...?