Thursday, August 03, 2006

Famous summer quotes by Madelin

1. Mom: "Madelin, get a good night's rest. Tomorrow, you will have to demonstrate your skills in swimming to pass to the next level."
Madelin in a voice wrought with anxiety: "But Mom I don't have any skills!!! ......Wait - what are skills?"

2. Mom: "Madelin, come play outside. You need the fresh air to keep you healthy."
Madelin: "Healthy? Is that like getting more life points?" (Maybe this is a sign she is watching too much yu-gi-oh.)

3. Mom: "Madelin, why did you take mommy's gardening shears and cut the party lights into segments? Come here, I want to talk to you!"
Madelin: "No, I'm in my room punishing myself!"


Anonymous said...

She totally comes from my gene pool. As parents, you're so lucky.

Leonna said...

Such deep thinking.
Keep a book with Madi Sayings. You'll forget so many of these quotes by the time she gets older. They are precious.