Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Oh No Mr. Christmas Bill!

Every year, on Christmas morning, I make pancakes in the shape of reindeer heads. This tradition started when Hannah was very small and wildly enthusiastic about these types of things. That first year, I decorated a cooked pancake with chocolate chip eyes, a marricino cherry nose and a whipped cream smile. I carefully dripped the batter into the pan to make perfect antlers. Hannah was so thrilled with the creation that I decided to do this every year.

Well, times they are a changin' and in all of the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, I forgot to pick up the cherries. I thought stawberry jam would make a good substitute, being red and all. I also decided I wanted to try to bake the chocolate chips into the pancakes instead of adding them at the end to save time. This is the result. Do you think he got a look at our Credit Card bill?

These are my kids with my nephews. The older ones are so helpful with the younger ones.

We got the little guy at the top a TMX Elmo for Christmas. If you haven't seen one work yet you are missing out. I think the adults liked it as much as the kids.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Of all the people in this picture, the girls are are the cutest, except for maybe the dog