Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Stuff I think about

You are desperate for money and you must take one of the three jobs below. Which do you take and why?

A. The sole caregiver for 6 two year olds
B. The sole caregiver for 6 special needs kids
C. The sole caregiver for 6 geriatric patients

If you could choose one of these three men to be your uncle, which would you choose?
A. Warren Buffet (Did you know he does not give money to child relatives beyond an education?)
B. Mr. Rogers
C. Martin Luther King


Anonymous said...

The six two-year old kids. They probably should be poopie trained by now and you can send them out into the street to play.

Warren Buffett - 'cause the other two are dead.

I know....I'm not playing the game correctly.

The Chings said...

What's with you and quizzes?

OK, the six old people because they'll be dead soon.

Mr. Rogers, cause he's just cool.

Leonna said...

I guess I'd go for the handicapped kids and Martin Luther King. Not enough is being done for the rights of the under priviledged.
How's that for a "miss usa" wannabe answer?