Friday, December 14, 2007


Yes-I admit it - I am an Obama fan. Years ago, I voted Republican but now, due to an intensive 10 step program, I am cured.

Seriously, part of the reason I am an Obama fan is said best on his website-
  • Barack Obama owes nothing to the Health Insurance Industry
  • Barack Obama owes nothing to the Oil Industry
  • Barack Obama owes nothing to the Weapons Industry
None of these industries are bad per se, but when politics is owned by them, I believe there is corruption at the expense of the people.

But, the primary reason I support Obama is much more personal. I am a passionate supporter of school lunch reform. To learn more about what's been going on with school lunches visit or or
Here's my blunt synopsis. Public schools buy fatty, bad-for-you foods because they are cheap and their budgets so limited and then feeds it to our school children, even though the food is clearly contrary to the governments own food pyramid recommendations. In addition, they allow unhealthy vending machines in schools -also for profit motives. They can do this because they are operating under USDA regulations from the 1970's that are outdated and contrary to current nutritional standards. To me, it's the equivalent of disposing our food byproducts into our children. Hmmm.

I am a supporter of school lunch reform and have written to my Illinois house representative and senators. Obama was the only one who responded to my petition and in addition had an intelligent answer. He does support school lunch reform and recognizes the link with obesity. Go Obama!

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