Madi surprised us the other day by claiming she had a loose tooth. We thought it might be a little early for the Tooth Fairy, and we were wrong. Sure enough, the lower two teeth were loose. I told her it might take a "long time" for either of them to fall out...wrong again. Not a few days later, we were tieing the traditional tooth pulling knot with the dental floss and singing the ABC song. You can see the video on Google Video by searching "Madis Dad." What neither the video nor the picture shows is the BLOOD that gushed out. It took Madi by surprise...that's why she shed a few tears...not too many.
Well, I probably looked for the video too soon. Was that Hannah's tooth going down the drain?
yes, that was Hannah's.
***that's why she shed a few tears...not too many***
Maybe not a few tears, but she screamed like a banshee and I thought the grim reaper was coming....well, at the very least, coming to get my eardrums.
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