Sunday, November 18, 2007

Treading Water

If you are reading this blog and wondering why I haven't returned your call or email, please forgive me. This is a busy time of year.

Thursday was the Fall book fair at the girl's elementary school. This is my second year chairing this event. To put this in perspective, we sold approximately $5,500 in Scholastic merchandise in a 12 hour period. The event is terrific for fundraising and for providing the school with much needed books. But, organizing an event of this size with volunteers of varying abilities is always a challenge. The planning takes about six weeks, the event is one and a half days of intense work and then there's the financials and delivery follow up for orders. Anyway, the event went well but was all consuming for a few days.

But, I was already feeling tired. Tired because last week I had two major tests and a paper due. Have another one Monday. My last day of school will be December 10th, so we are down to the wire and my profs are squeezing what they can into the last class sessions. But atleast I got a break this weekend right?

Wrong. Hannah had a swim meet this weekend. Saturday and Sunday 6:30 a.m. -1p.m was spent hunched on bleachers, trying to get some reading in. Then, had to do some Thanksgiving shopping, I have 20 people coming for Thanksgiving Thursday. Oh, and my father-in-law arrives tommorow - while I'm at school taking my Chemistry exam. Lucky he's an easy house guest.

Hannah's throat started hurting today. No fever. I told her to give it 24 hours and if it still hurt I'd take her to the doctor on Tuesday - after our dentist appt- and during the time I usually do bible study but won't this week because we have a guest- and am cleaning house for Thursday.

In February, I'll be bored and look back on this week with fond memories of being so productive.

Atleast, that's what I tell myself.

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