Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Madi's Thoughts

Hi, I'm Madi.  i have two gerbils. their names are carmel and Jasmin.  I'm a first grader.  I have lots of work at my school.  I have one sister.  Her name is Hannah.  I have no brothers.  If I had a little baby brother, I would probably call him little Tommy.  I am a good student.  When I grow up, I would like to be a nurse or a vet.  I also like to help other kids with special needs.  I would like you to read my log and see what I have done with kids with special needs.  My friend Lexi is a special needs person.  She was scared to go into the haunted house at school.  I helped her by holding her hand and taking her through.  I have another friend Jordon.  He is hard to understand, but he is still my friend.  I care for him and everyone in my family.

 I have a little problem that I would like you to figure out and write me back.  What these problems are.  I will now tell you these problems.  4 + 100; 2 + 4,000.  These are pretty hard questions.  I have been doing some great things.  I hope you will too.

I have some special needs people in my family.  His name is Paul.  He has autism.  I very much care for him.  I hope he gets better.  I have a new baby in the family.  Her name is Emma Claire. I got to hold her the other day.  She is very cute.  I hope you will send me a picture of your family.  Hope you have a great night.  Christmas is almost coming.  Happy Christmas.  Send me pictures of your presents.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Madi
Want to make your mother and father crazy? At dinner when giving thanks, start screaming, "I WANT A BROTHER!" Do this every night until they agree.

A nurse is good. You can take care of grampa when he gets old.

I want to tell you that I am also a special needs person. I need money. So break open your piggy bank and send me some money.