Why is it so difficult to have pictures taken together once you have kids? I have scrapbooks filled with pictures of the kids, with one or the other of us in a supporting role. ( Look at how cute Madi is in the bassinet - and oh there's dad's hand. Here's Hannah riding her bike and who's butt cheek is that? Oh, I think it's mom's. ) Together, we maybe score one or two photo's per year.
(Incidentally, I have noticed that in those yearly one or two pictures since the kids, we often look like someone has sucked the life out of us. Coincidence? )
And so say all Married with Children couples. How many pictures do I have of you guys with me in the picture. Not a heck of a lot because I was always the one taking the pictures.
I'll admit, it's a nice picture of you guys but who cares about looking at old people. I'd rather see picts of the kids, especially if they're yellin' and screamin'.
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