Monday, July 31, 2006

Once upon a time in a land far, far, away

Have you seen this man? If so, tell him to blow out the candles already -it's 100 degrees in the shade. :)

Happy Birthday Pop! Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

I got so excited because I finally reached the most important number of all numbers. ***69*** Tried to blow out all the candles at one time, hyperventilated, passed out, fell over onto the cake and suffocated. Followed the white light, got to the gate and Allah told me he didn't have the 100 virgins for me. Told him I'm goin' back to earth and to give me a call when he gets 'em rounded up.

Leonna said...

Pop wouldn't know what to do with 1 vergin let alone 100 of them. lol
Happy Birthday OLD MAN