Saturday, December 13, 2008
My Sister
Hey all you web bloggers! My sister...she's about 10 years old. She's an awesome swimmer. Soon she'll be in the Olympics. I'm really excited for her. My know how all sisters are. We fight with one another, but we forgive eachother. We really get along most of the time. She gives me all her cool clothes. She gave me this cool green sweater I am wearing today. I love my sister.
My Mom
Hi it's me again. I'm going to tell you about my mom. She is growing up to be a very good nurse. Her nursing friends are very nice. Mom practices on me sometimes. She puts her medal round thing on my chest and tells me to breathe in and out. Do you know what that round thing is called? What does you mom do? My mom used to work at [a large soul-less corporation] like my dad. My mom is so cool. She looks young and beautiful. My mom makes awesome dinners!
Sunday, November 09, 2008
My Dad
I love my dad. He is very handsome. What does your dad look like? My dad like playing games with me. He is teaching me chess. My dad sometimes knows everything. But sometimes he can be koo-koo. Is your dad crazy too? What's your dad's favorite drink? My dad's favorite drink is rootbeer. What's your dad's favorite food? My dad's favorite food is steak. My dad has been to Hawaii. He used to live in Hawaii. Now he lives here with me and my mama.
Friday, November 07, 2008
Madi's Thoughts
To Grandpa:
Hi grandpa, I opened up my piggy bank like you said, but I don't have any money. Give me a thousand dollars.
I can't wait till you get here. I can't wait to see bolt.
I helped Lexi by helping her write the word "like." And I had a good time at my acting. Dad will post the show and you can watch.
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Hi, it's Madi again. At school, I have been doing somethings. I will tell you if you like. Anyway...I've been really good. At math we are learning to add. We are putting marbles in a cup. At lunch, the lunch ladies are doing great. I love the lunch they make. What type of candy did you get for Halloween. I got eyeballs and gummies. My lunch lady was dressed as ketchup. How are you doing at school? What subject do you like the best in school? I like math.
I school I helped Lexi, by helping her with her numbers. I helped her write them. I helped Jordon cut his words out. I like to color. Do you like to color? My favorite color is pink and white and blue. What are your favorite colors? Do you sleep with a toy? I sleep with a toy.
How old are you? I used to have a fish. It's name was Dory. Do you have a pet fish? I used to have lots and lots of fish. This one was the only one that lasted a long time.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Madi's Thoughts
Hi, I'm Madi. i have two gerbils. their names are carmel and Jasmin. I'm a first grader. I have lots of work at my school. I have one sister. Her name is Hannah. I have no brothers. If I had a little baby brother, I would probably call him little Tommy. I am a good student. When I grow up, I would like to be a nurse or a vet. I also like to help other kids with special needs. I would like you to read my log and see what I have done with kids with special needs. My friend Lexi is a special needs person. She was scared to go into the haunted house at school. I helped her by holding her hand and taking her through. I have another friend Jordon. He is hard to understand, but he is still my friend. I care for him and everyone in my family.
I have a little problem that I would like you to figure out and write me back. What these problems are. I will now tell you these problems. 4 + 100; 2 + 4,000. These are pretty hard questions. I have been doing some great things. I hope you will too.
I have some special needs people in my family. His name is Paul. He has autism. I very much care for him. I hope he gets better. I have a new baby in the family. Her name is Emma Claire. I got to hold her the other day. She is very cute. I hope you will send me a picture of your family. Hope you have a great night. Christmas is almost coming. Happy Christmas. Send me pictures of your presents.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Friday, April 18, 2008
Yes, what you've heard is true. Central Illinios was rocked with a 5.4 earthquake last night. It woke all of us up. The bed was rockin' and I thought Aaron was trying to get frisky. After a few confused comments to each other we realized it was not either of us, a thunderstorm, or a low flying plane.
Madi is convinced her bed flew into the air. She came running into our room a little after 4 am scared out of her wits. Luckily, no damage to the house and I haven't read about any injuries in IL. This is big news for us. I have lived here all of my life and only remember one other very minor earthquake when I was in elementary school.
Madi is convinced her bed flew into the air. She came running into our room a little after 4 am scared out of her wits. Luckily, no damage to the house and I haven't read about any injuries in IL. This is big news for us. I have lived here all of my life and only remember one other very minor earthquake when I was in elementary school.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Nursing School
Thanks to all of you for your thoughts and prayers regarding my admission to nursing school. After a long, painful wait, I found out this week that I was admitted to the ADN program at Heartland Community College.
For all of you out there wondering why I am so happy to be going to a community college for nursing school - there were over 200 applicants for 30 seats. You needed to have above a 3 pt GPA and have all of the prerequisites done (Anatomy I & II, Microbiology, Psychology, Chemistry, Nutrition etc.) plus score well on the entrance exam to have a prayer. I was already rejected by Mennonite (ISU's nursing school) where admitted students this year had an average GPA of 3.77 on a 4.0 scale - an all time high. My 3.45 didn't cut it there.
The blessing behind my admission to Heartland is that my two year program will only cost around $4,000. Compare that to around $18,000 for ISU or about $40,000 for U of I. And, although it isn't a Bachelors (BSN), I will be qualified to become a Registered Nurse (RN). So, I guess it's a pretty good deal. If you want to see where I will be going to school - here's a link.
For all of you out there wondering why I am so happy to be going to a community college for nursing school - there were over 200 applicants for 30 seats. You needed to have above a 3 pt GPA and have all of the prerequisites done (Anatomy I & II, Microbiology, Psychology, Chemistry, Nutrition etc.) plus score well on the entrance exam to have a prayer. I was already rejected by Mennonite (ISU's nursing school) where admitted students this year had an average GPA of 3.77 on a 4.0 scale - an all time high. My 3.45 didn't cut it there.
The blessing behind my admission to Heartland is that my two year program will only cost around $4,000. Compare that to around $18,000 for ISU or about $40,000 for U of I. And, although it isn't a Bachelors (BSN), I will be qualified to become a Registered Nurse (RN). So, I guess it's a pretty good deal. If you want to see where I will be going to school - here's a link.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Hannah Regional Placement
Hannah did well this weekend in Quincy IL for the regional swim competition. Here's what she swam and where she placed. The time to the left is how fast she swam the event. The time to the right is how many seconds she took off of her best time. She has another year to swim in this bracket so coming in in the top 10 in all these events is great.(yes, she did beat her best 500 by 47 seconds). On March 14th/15th she will go to state as part of 2 relay teams: medley(backstroke) and freestyle.
6:51.16Y Women 10 & Under 500 Free 7 th--- -47.09
39.02Y Women 10 & Under 50 Back 10th --- -0.31
3:03.63Y Women 10 & Under 200 IM 9th --- -1.63
2:36.45YWomen 10 & Under 200 Free 4th --- -1.61
1:11.90Y Women 10 & Under 100 Free 8th --- -2.69
6:51.16Y Women 10 & Under 500 Free 7 th--- -47.09
39.02Y Women 10 & Under 50 Back 10th --- -0.31
3:03.63Y Women 10 & Under 200 IM 9th --- -1.63
2:36.45YWomen 10 & Under 200 Free 4th --- -1.61
1:11.90Y Women 10 & Under 100 Free 8th --- -2.69
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Sad Conversation with Hannah
We were sitting at the table Monday morning having breakfast. I had the Today show on in the background, getting the latest news on the NIU tragedy (my nephew attends there and praise the lord was not involved.) An article came on about Lindsey Lohan posing as Marilyn Monroe.
I asked Hannah, "Do you even know who Marilyn Monroe was?"
"Yeah, she was like the most beautiful woman in the world when she was alive."
"Do you know how she died?"
"She was so unhappy with her life that she killed herself."
"Do you think that's a good person to be imitating and immortalizing today?"
"No. It's stupid."
"Do you know who Mother Theresa was?"
"She devoted her entire life to bettering the lives of the poorest of the poor in India. She lived to a ripe old age and died of natural causes. Do you think she was a beautiful person?"
"Seems like that would be a better choice for a role model and for the cover of a magazine."
I asked Hannah, "Do you even know who Marilyn Monroe was?"
"Yeah, she was like the most beautiful woman in the world when she was alive."
"Do you know how she died?"
"She was so unhappy with her life that she killed herself."
"Do you think that's a good person to be imitating and immortalizing today?"
"No. It's stupid."
"Do you know who Mother Theresa was?"
"She devoted her entire life to bettering the lives of the poorest of the poor in India. She lived to a ripe old age and died of natural causes. Do you think she was a beautiful person?"
"Seems like that would be a better choice for a role model and for the cover of a magazine."
Thursday, February 07, 2008

I haven't updated you on Hannah for awhile so I thought it was time. I have to get better about taking pictures of this one because she is always on the move!
She is taking piano now and just started the level C book. We all love to hear her play. She also made the honor roll this quarter.
Next weekend is her last chance to improve her swimming times. So far she has made 3 regional times and may go to state as part of her relay team.
Saturday, February 02, 2008
A Toy Story
Late 2007, maybe around September, I was having a garage sale. I was putting out a bunch of old Barbie and Polly Pocket toys when my neighbor, (who always get's first pick of all my garage sale stuff because that's what neighbors do) told me that some of my stuff had been recalled by Mattell. Went on-line and sure enough, 4 of my heavily used items were recalled for lead paint and small magnets. So, I pulled those puppies right out of my sale and filled out the internet form to get the free mailing label to return the toys to the company.
Waited the suggested amount of time (several weeks) and then submitted another internet form because still no mailing label. After waiting another several weeks to no avail, sent an email requesting my label. Customer service emailed me back to say they couldn't help me on-line and I would have to call.
Called the number in the email and got an endless loop VRU that kept directing me back to the website. Called back and madly hit zero at every VRU option until I finally got a customer service rep.
Customer service rep said we had a bad connection and I would have to call back. I thought htis was odd because I could hear her okay. I moved to another room closer to the phone base and asked "Can you hear me now?"
Rep immediately responded- "Nope, still can't hear you. I think you will have to call back."
No. I am not making this up.
Proceeded to not hang up and insist on getting my mailing label. Rep informed me that they had been having trouble because Mattel emails the labels to customers (don't ask me what you are supposed to do if you do not have a printer!) and many times people's spam filters delete them. I explained that my filter didn't work that way and since I had recieved their customer service response from the same address, that must not have happened in my case.
She offered to snail mail me a label and after gathering the spelling of my last name proceeded to read me back my address. Seems they had my information readily available.
Anyways, several weeks later I recieved the mailing label. I put the toys in a big box and mailed them back to Mattel. This week my persistance paid off. Got a voucher in the mail for $66 for my old garage sale junk!! ! Woohoo!
Now here is Mattel's revenge. I have to use the voucher by April 30th and I have to spend the entire amount in one pop because no change can be given. And, the good stuff - American Girl - is excluded. HMMM. :(
Waited the suggested amount of time (several weeks) and then submitted another internet form because still no mailing label. After waiting another several weeks to no avail, sent an email requesting my label. Customer service emailed me back to say they couldn't help me on-line and I would have to call.
Called the number in the email and got an endless loop VRU that kept directing me back to the website. Called back and madly hit zero at every VRU option until I finally got a customer service rep.
Customer service rep said we had a bad connection and I would have to call back. I thought htis was odd because I could hear her okay. I moved to another room closer to the phone base and asked "Can you hear me now?"
Rep immediately responded- "Nope, still can't hear you. I think you will have to call back."
No. I am not making this up.
Proceeded to not hang up and insist on getting my mailing label. Rep informed me that they had been having trouble because Mattel emails the labels to customers (don't ask me what you are supposed to do if you do not have a printer!) and many times people's spam filters delete them. I explained that my filter didn't work that way and since I had recieved their customer service response from the same address, that must not have happened in my case.
She offered to snail mail me a label and after gathering the spelling of my last name proceeded to read me back my address. Seems they had my information readily available.
Anyways, several weeks later I recieved the mailing label. I put the toys in a big box and mailed them back to Mattel. This week my persistance paid off. Got a voucher in the mail for $66 for my old garage sale junk!! ! Woohoo!
Now here is Mattel's revenge. I have to use the voucher by April 30th and I have to spend the entire amount in one pop because no change can be given. And, the good stuff - American Girl - is excluded. HMMM. :(
Thursday, January 24, 2008
My Uncle Leo
Please join me in praying for my extended family today. I am sad to share that my great uncle Leo passed away this morning. My uncle Leo was an extrordinarily kind and generous person who will be missed by many.
When I was a teen, I had a boyfriend who was in a terrible motorcycle accident while he and my family were vacationing in Wisconsin. The boyfriend was rushed to a hospital near my Aunt Jeanette and Uncle Leo's house. They opened their home to me, so that I could stay while he recovered. I stayed with them for awhile that summer. The boyfriend didn't last, but my love for my Great Aunt and Uncle did. I never could get over how they always seemed ot share more than they had, or why they would open up their lives to me the way they did.
My Uncle Leo was the kind of person who believed so strongly in Christ that you would think God was sitting right next to him in the flesh. As a teen, his faith was important to the development of my own. He was a rare soul, uninterested in material wealth or self-centeredness. He was a good father, husband and uncle, a volunteer, and an easy smile on a hard day. I didn't see my uncle often, once or twice a year since that summer, but I can tell you with some certainty that I will often miss him.
When I was a teen, I had a boyfriend who was in a terrible motorcycle accident while he and my family were vacationing in Wisconsin. The boyfriend was rushed to a hospital near my Aunt Jeanette and Uncle Leo's house. They opened their home to me, so that I could stay while he recovered. I stayed with them for awhile that summer. The boyfriend didn't last, but my love for my Great Aunt and Uncle did. I never could get over how they always seemed ot share more than they had, or why they would open up their lives to me the way they did.
My Uncle Leo was the kind of person who believed so strongly in Christ that you would think God was sitting right next to him in the flesh. As a teen, his faith was important to the development of my own. He was a rare soul, uninterested in material wealth or self-centeredness. He was a good father, husband and uncle, a volunteer, and an easy smile on a hard day. I didn't see my uncle often, once or twice a year since that summer, but I can tell you with some certainty that I will often miss him.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Madi's Birthday


Party number two. Kid party at the bowling alley. Fourteen 6 year olds. Many more grey hairs.

Cake number 3. We should be done writing thank you cards by next year.
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Madi's First Cavity
Madi got her first (and hopefully only) cavity filled yesterday. It was so funny because about 2 minutes after they gave her the novacaine she started laughing hysterically. She kept sitting up in the chair to look at me and laughing and pointing at her mouth. She was a good patient, very brave, and now has a mouthful of healthy teeth. Well, at least the ones that aren't missing.
Saturday, January 05, 2008
Caucuses and Primaries
Obama took Iowa and I am more excited than ever that there is hope for our great country. :) I was interested in knowing more about where and when Caucuses and Primaries are held and found this helpful site.
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Abraham Lincoln Library & Museum

I noticed that based on Aaron's last post - you might believe that I have been kidnapped or skipped Christmas. So, I wanted to sneak a photo in and say that I have been enjoying winter break as well.
Here's Aaron and I in front of the "White House". The Abraham Lincoln Museum in Springfield is a fantastic place to visit. We all had a blast.
Tuesday, January 01, 2008

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