Madi picked this very pretty, black, female. (Somehow, once the guy at the pet store walked us through the care of the Gerbil, our $10 pet became an $80 pet but I digress. ) So, we brought her home and Madelin spent the evening thinking of names. She settled on Jasmine from Disney Princess. We talked at length about caring for her pet and then we put both of them to bed.
The cool thing about Jasmine was that when we woke up in the morning she had completely rearranged her cage. Apparently, she is very particular about her furniture and she stayed up all night making her cage exactly how she likes it.
Last night was Jasmines second night in our house. The very uncool thing about Jasmine is she can jump high and run fast. Madi decided to bend the rules a little bit and tried to handle her pet while Aaron and I where sleeping. Jasmine escaped and we spent the first hour of the morning chasing the little bugger all over her room.

She is awefully cute. You can't see it in the picture but she has a white strip down her chest.
You paid money for this???? We have a lot of these in Hawaii and they are free. They're called "Rats."
What a handsome mouse. Such glossy fur. I can see why Madi wanted to take her out and play with her - I would have too.
P.S. There is no such thing as a free or cheap pet.
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