Sunday, January 14, 2007

Princess and the Pee

Madelin and I have been having such a good time watching her new Gerbil. She is turning out to be a terrific pet owner.

Tonight, I pointed out to her that Jasmine had scraped all of her bedding into a big fluffy pile under her house. I said "look Madi--she made an extra thick mattress for herself. It's like the Princess and the Pea."

Madelin began laughing hysterically. She just kept laughing and saying "Princess and the Pea? - Pricess and the Pea!? Ha Ha HA.

I, then, realized she had never heard of the story of the Princess and the Pea and thought I meant the other ... well...Pee.

Oh well - for a moment I was a comedian!

1 comment:

Leonna said...

I am so glad you took those links off.