Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Do you believe in signs from God?

Over the holidays, I began to struggle with the idea of Madi going to Kindergarten in September. When she goes, my current job of caring for her full-time will no longer exist. From 9am-3:45pm, both kids will be gone, and I am someone who needs to keep busy. As I see it, I will have three choices at that point:

1. Return to work full time, which means I will have to hire before and after school care and a summer nanny.
2. Return to work full year-part time which would mean I still needed a summer nanny.
3. Find a job that follows the academic calendar - like teaching, which would preserve my time with my kids but also provide some opportunity while they are in school.

I have been praying about this for awhile now but haven't felt sure about what I should do.

I am in my fourth year of a seven year Bible study and we returned today from our holiday break. Last night, I was completing my lesson and in answering question 15 found these references to guidance by the Holy Spirit:
  • When we don't know what to pray for, the Holy Spirit will let us know (Romans 8:26)
  • The Holy Spirit intercedes for us in accordance to God's will (Romans 8:27)
  • The Holy Spirit will teach you what to say when you need to say it (Luke 12:12)
  • You will recieve power when the Holy Spirit comes to you (Acts 1:8)
  • All believers have access to the Father through the Spirit (Ephesians 2:18)
  • The sword of the Spirit is the word of God (Ephesians 6:17)

Today, I was running late for Bible study for the first time this year. Because I arrived late, I went directly to my small group and skipped opening lecture. When I sat down in the empty room, I was surprised that a woman I hardly know was also late and sat down next to me. She asked, "How's your book coming along?" After surpressing my surprise that she knew I was writing a book, I told her I had finished the first draft and was editing now. She told me she used to teach writing at a college nearby. I responded that I had been thinking of taking my GRE and potentially going back to school at a local University to teach writing but I thought it was a long shot because my Undergrad was in Accounting. It turns out that she graduated from said University and knows of many people with backgrounds like mine that are admitted and do well. She went on to say she thought I would not have difficulty finding work in this area because there are so many schools looking for writing teachers.

So - GRE here I come.


Leonna said...

What a wonderful testimony on the mysterious ways the Holy Spirit leads our lives.
If you had been on time you would not have had the opportunity to speek to this woman. She was exactly the one to speek to. She gave you the exact words you needed to hear.
Our God is truly Great!

Leonna said...

Just got my new computer up and running. Please email be so I can capture your address.